• Mineshaft Grinder August 10thSIGN UP
February 11, 2021 Karen Lewis


How can I make my application the most interesting and competitive?

Making sure to meet the Grant Guidelines requirements and desired attributes will greatly strengthen your application.

Does my historic property qualify for a grant to do renovations?

 To be considered you would need to partner with a community, non-profit, or government organization to sponsor your project (2021 KMTA Grant Guidelines # 3).  We suggest reaching out to the local Historical Society to be a potential partner. 

 If the historic property is a private residence it would not allow for interior work to be done, but exterior work could possibly be done with grant funding and it would have to maintain its historic appearance (2021 KMTA Grant Guidelines #9).

Also, vying for eligibility on the National Historic Register would greatly impact the success of your project.

Can my for profit business apply for grant funding to do projects on our property that would reach tourists?

To be considered you would need to partner with a community, non-profit, or government organization to sponsor your project (2021 KMTA Grant Guidelines # 3).  We suggest reaching out to the local Chamber of Commerce or local government park/forest agency to be a potential partner.

Could my Non-profit venture apply for funding if my project is not within the KMTA, but addresses issues relating to the KMTA?

Yes, you can apply for funding, though that does not mean the project will be funded. The scope of the work would need to fall in line with the KMTA NHA mission.

I’m helping with a currently open grant, can I still apply for my own grant this coming cycle?

It would not be a conflict for you to apply for your own grant this cycle while still working on an open grant. The board may want the open grant to be finalized before another is awarded, but you can always apply.

Can my organization apply for a 3 year programmatic grant and a regular community based grant at the same time?

You can, but please be aware that both projects may not be awarded within the same year. Also, please clearly demonstrate how the work to be completed under the programmatic grant funding will be different than the other project.

How can my organization meet the match requirements besides cash contribution?

Alternative means of matching funds which qualify are volunteer hours and donated equipment rentals as well as cash funding.  

Would an area cleanup effort qualify for grant funding?

This project idea could qualify for grant funding as long as the area being cleaned up falls within the KMTA NHA region and has the expressed approval of the applicable land owner.

What sort of interpretation signage would qualify for grant funding?

Leave No Trace education, wilderness area information, and recreation opportunities could be possibilities for sign information.  Another idea is adding a little historical information about the area, including indigenous history.

Please remember if you’re putting signs in the ground there will need to be communication with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) to adhere to Section 106 requirements. Also, if the signage is on land that you do not own you will need a letter of support from the land owner.

What organization should the project be applied under?

Things to consider: 

  • Has the organization received a grant before? If so, you can apply for up to $24,500. If not, the limit is $10,000. 
  • If the organizations have received grants, did they both perform well throughout the process; submitting quarterly reports, completing all paperwork, respond to correspondence timely?
  • You want to submit the project under the organization with the best reputation and a history of good grantee etiquette.

What qualifies for a publication grant?

Printed material, digital productions, etc. If you aren’t sure your project applies please call for assistance.

How should a letter of support be written?

It should describe who is writing the letter, their relevance to the community and project, and describe their support of the project and how it http://mail to:amandasassi@kmtacorridor.orgmight benefit their community or organization.

Please contact Amanda Sassi if you have any more questions.

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