• Mineshaft Grinder August 10thSIGN UP

Research shows that today, the average kid spends less than seven minutes a day outside in unstructured play. To help encourage kids to play outdoors all year long, we’ve come up with a list of 100 things all Alaskan kids should do before they’re 12. We are fortunate to have an abundance of places to explore and enjoy here in AK, from neighborhood parks to wildlife refuges and national forests. We hope this list helps inspire new adventures and activities big and small. Many of the things on this list require no materials or things found outside, and can be done in your own yard, neighborhood, or community. Our list is adapted from Great Outdoors Colorado’s Generation Wild initiative, a research-led, multiyear campaign designed to spark a movement that would reconnect kids to the outdoor world.


Guide your students to discover the eastern Kenai Peninsula with these helpful resources. Teachers and parents can use these guides to help develop units on a wide range of topics and eras.



You are about to embark upon a unforgettable trip to locations throughout the Eastern Kenai Peninsula of Alaska. Using land forms along the Kenai road system, you will learn about the unique history that spans from the indigenous people… to the explorers… to the gold miners … to the 1964 Earthquake.


By far the best way to learn about the Kenai Mountains-Turnagain Arm National Heritage Area is to get out and see it for yourself. This guide describes different sites that could be easily visited by school groups. Follow the map through the KMTA area to learn more of it’s historical importance.



Trails Across Time curriculum recognizes that much of Alaska’s history is recent and can still be found in the remains of old cabins and in the stories of our elders. These lessons ask students to look around them – to observe the landscape and culture that they may take for granted – and discover the story etched there. Each lesson gives students a story, a clue, or a mystery to puzzle through.


For additional support, you can purchase these books on Amazon:
