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December 5, 2019 Rachel Blakeslee


The Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel, which connects Whittier to the Seward Highway, is completed. At two and half miles long, the tunnel is the longest combined highway and rail tunnel in North America.



  1. View from the Bear Valley end of the Whittier Tunnel (Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel) of a group of workers and others after the final blast in the construction of the tunnel. (Benjamin B. Talley papers, 1925-2002. Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage UAA-HMC-0241)
  2. Passengers riding in open railroad cars enter the newly constructed Whittier Tunnel (Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel) for the first time. (Benjamin B. Talley papers, 1925-2002. Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage UAA-HMC-0241)
  3. A group of men stands on top a pile of rubble during the construction of the Whittier Tunnel (Anton Anderson Memorial Tunnel). (Benjamin B. Talley papers, 1925-2002. Consortium Library, University of Alaska Anchorage.UAA-HMC-0241)