Advocacy Instructions


Send a letter to our congressional delegation asking for continued support of KMTA. You can do this through one of two ways: 

1. Copy this template to a word document, tailor the sections highlighted in yellow, and email to your representatives. Please bcc 

*If you need this template sent to you in a Word document for ease of use, email Executive Director Rachel Blakeslee, and she will send you a copy. A list of our representative’s contact information is listed below: 

    • Senator Murkowski’s Office- use this contact form to send your letter; select Budget as “general topic of message”

    • Senator Sullivan’s Office- use this contact form to send your letter; select Budget as “Message Topic”

    • Representative Begich’s Office- use this contact form to send your letter; select Budget and Economy as “Issue of Concern”

2. If you do not have time to personalize the template, you can add your name to our list of signatories to our general letter using this form