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The Other Creation Story: A traditional Dena’ina story

Today, our people have a good opportunity to determine what kind of society and what kind of government we want. We have the opportunity to realize how our ancestors viewed life, and to see how Western Civilization works. We have the opportunity to take the very best from each culture and use what works the best for us. 

We have our K’eghuch’edniyi Sukdo, or Lesson Stories. One of my favorites is referred to as “The Other Creation Story.” This ancient story comes from the Copper Center area. I first came across this story in a book about Chief Nicolai. 

I like this story because it answers the age-old question, “why was I born?”, a question often asked by children. They have a story they can relate to that puts them on a good path. 

Chief Nicolai passed this story on to his grandsons at the village of Taral. This story must have been very sacred because the Chief required they purify themselves by taking a steam bath before he related the story. His story took two days to tell, but due to limited space here, I will make it very short. 

The Other Creation Story 

The story begins by explaining this is not the first time the world has changed so greatly, nor will it be the last.  

In the time of the Raven, before Naqeltnani (the Creator) created our people, the land did not look like it does today. The earth was covered mostly with water. Naq’eltani told Raven he was going to create new creatures, humans – the campfire people – so he could have creatures smart enough to relate with. 

He told Raven to make a place for these people and to teach them the Principles of Regulations they were to live by; to respect and take good care of the earth and all of his creations because they, too, were his children. 

To honor Raven for this task, Naq’eltani would name one of the peoples’ clans the Raven Clan. He also told Raven some humans would try to destroy the earth, therefore, it would be the duty of the Raven Clan to protect the earth. Naq’eltani told Raven if he failed to teach these lessons to the humans or if they did not succeed in their purpose of protecting the earth, their actions would destroy Raven along with His other creations: If the humans destroyed Raven, Naq’eltani promised that he would destroy the humans and rearrange the earth, causing it to be or look nothing like it does today. 

Naq’eltani told Raven, the greatest lesson of all is this: He will not be ignored or forgotten. He is always among us and if we remember who He is and ask Him what we require, He will provide just what we ask.  

He said never forget the lesson you have learned today.



Shared by Mary Ann Mills, Elder and Tribal Council Vice Chair, Kenaitze Indian Tribe


“Kenaitze Elders Speak: Our Land, Our Truths, and Healthy Native Families,” published by the Kenaitze Indian Tribe, 2007

Comments from Mary Ann Mills, Kenaitze Indian Tribe Elder provided in August 2024